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    paint and paint buckets
    Decorating and Home Improvements

    As a Shared Owner you’re able to paint and decorate your home as you wish. However, for new build homes we’d recommend not decorating for the first year to allow for materials like timber and plaster to dry out and settle. If you’re thinking about making any other home improvements, it’s best to check with… Read more »

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    Prepare your home for winter

    As winter sets in it’s time to think about preparing your home for the colder months ahead. No one wants their boiler to break in the middle of a snowstorm, or their gutters to be overflowing in a downpour, so below are a few top tips for getting your home ready for winter. Check your… Read more »

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    Tolhurst Way Construction
    The Future’s Golding Places

    In this month’s blog Anne Chapman, Head of New Business and Commercial Services, talks about the exciting new opportunities that Golding Places brings to the Golding Homes Group.

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